Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Knight's Life

I'm Alexander, a 26 year old Veteran, senior with an AA from Columbia Basin College, majoring in Digital Technology and Culture and minoring in Management Infomation Systems.  I've been in and out of the school system ever since I graduated from high school due to my commintment to the military.  I have been in the Army National Guard for 7 years as a tanker and I have two deployments to Iraq.  During my last deployment I was a scout, first in line looking for IEDs and any kind of threat that will impact our mission, I had a team of 4 including myself.  During Spring Break I will be training at Fort Lewis and during the summer break I will hopefully travel to Japan to train soldiers

I'm from El Salvador, Central America and I've lived in the states since I was 10 years old.  I had a hard time adapting to the new environment and the new language.  I'm fluent in Spanish, can read and write it and I figure that as the Spanish speaking community grows technology grows so we need someone or educated people that know both languages enough to translate and keep the community going forward at the same rate. 

While in Iraq I made a list of the things that I would do when and if I had the chance to get back home.  One of those things was snowboarding, I used to hate it because it was during the coldest months of the year and I can't stand being cold but now I love snowboarding last season I went about 12 times but unfortunately this season I'm really busy and only have gone twice so far.I'm looking forward to what school has to offer this is one of my last two semester I have left at WSU and looking forward to what life has stored for me.

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